A better day...

Today was a much better day, simply because today I got to do things that I enjoy. I love being a mom. I love to do mom stuff. But most of the time, I don't do mom stuff- at least not the mom stuff I want to do. Most nights I go to bed feeling guilty because Monkey has watched WAY too much television, Frogger got screamed at WAY too many times, and Squirrel is so busy with friends that I don't know much about what's going on with her. (She now gives short answers about school, instead of telling me every detail.) But today was the kind of day I love. Today I got up and got Monkey and Squirrel off to school. Bob came over to take care of Frogger, and I spent the morning volunteering in Squirrels class. Then I hung out with Squirrel during her lunch (something she's been begging me to do for weeks.)
The next part of the day was a bit worse, with Frogger's pediatrician appt revealing impetigo, and me locking my keys in the car when I got home.
But no worries. I decided to break out the tempura paints and doodle pad and had Monkey and Super B paint pictures. They loved it. We talked about primary colors, and how to make new colors. I feel satisfied. Now they are watching tv again, but I don't mind so much since I feel like they've done something productive too.
I love being a mom. I just hate working, going to school, and all the other junk that I have to do. I want to play all day. Is that too much to ask? :) Well, back to algebra.
You said that smell is your best sense. After much deliberation, I have decided that my sense of guilt is definitely my best sense! I can find something to feel guilty about every moment of the day. I'm working on it.
I wanna be a mom too!
You know what the problem is? We're just all too busy. Like with other things outside of our home. There is just so much going on in the average family's life these days. Think back to what it used to be like. Families were just together playing baseball in the back yard and having lemonade stands and stuff like that. Now, we have so many places to be and do. There all really good things though that add so much to our life and experiences and stuff and that's why it seems so hard to cut them out. I don't know...it's great that our kids have so much available to them, but I guess we just needs to prioritize and weigh things out, so we can make sure we have enough downtime too. You know?
Sorry I'm so wordy today... (I forgot to take my ADD medicine.)
But this is so weird. I went to the pediatrician today too! dante and emme got all their 1 year old vaccines and flu shots and stuff and the doctor told me about this new shot that you can get for babies who were premies. You get it once a month and it's like $1000 a shot. But it will keep them protected against RSV. You have to qualify by your baby really needing it for your insurance to pay. Do you know about this and do you think I should get it for my bambinos if my insurance will pay for it? They called it like... "Cyniges" (i have no idea how to spell it)
I think it's Cynergy, or something like that. Yes, I know all about it, and I think it's a great shot. I would think that Baby girls A&B would be more at risk than yours. I'm not sure that insurance would pay since your babes were never NICUed, but it could be worth a shot. What did Winburn think? I trust her.
Aughhh yessss
A day in the life of a working mother...Why can't we all just win the lotto
You're day is coming Carolyn, and I'll be back at work and you'll be living the good life.
Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy.
Hey Forrest, this one's for you. Might I add that I am so imressed???
Hello lamppost,
What cha knowing?
I've come to watch your flowers growing.
Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?
Doot-in' doo-doo,
Feelin' groovy.
I'd rather make the evening last. I'm not much of a morning person. Unless I get to sleep all morning...then it's okay...
Good comeback, Mayhem.
Thank you Forrest sweety:)
Hey steph...just thought id say hi :o) i didnt know you had your own blog n i just found it. Hope you have a good day tomorrow. Do ya'll do anything on the weekends or get together at all? I actually have all day saturday off of both jobs! yay :o) anyways i gotta go - its late and work starts way too early tomorrow! Latas, *Tiff*
I remember when I first learned about secondary and tertiary colors. It was magical .... of course that was 9th grade (I was a little sheltered from the arts).
Speaking of Secondary Colors and Simon and Garfunkle, I've been humming "Big Bright Green" all day:
"Do people have a tendency to dump on you?
Does your group have more cavities than theirs?
Do all the hippies seem to get the jump on you?
Do you sleep alone when other sleep in pairs?
Well there's no need to complain,
We'll eliminate your pain.
We can neutralize your brain.
You'll feel just fine
Buy a big bright green pleasure machine!"
.... and somehow Art G. getting busted for posession still makes the news.
Dash, I love that song!
Tiff, I'm a loser and never get to do anything on the weekends because I work every Friday and Saturday night. :(
I'm not sure if anyone is doing anything this weekend, but a whole Saturday off cannot be wasted. I'll see what I can find out.
aww your not a loser at all - i think your way wonderful and very sweet! Thanks again for all the help you've been in helpin me get settled n involved in the group. I really appreciate it :) hope you have a great weekend n see ya sunday! :o) *Tiff*
They are playing volleyball at 10am tomorrow. The youth group went camping, and a few of our group went with, so I'm not sure if anything else is going on.
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