Thursday, May 11, 2006

Summer Fun

It's almost summer. I cannot even begin to explain how happy I am that summer is right around the corner. The best comparison I can think of is that I am as excited about the beginning of summer as a child is the night before Christmas. I keep thinking about all of the joys that summer brings, and I just get giddy! Here are some things I LOVE about summer...

  1. The swimming pool. I love to swim, I love the water, I love to have the days fly by with no children watching tv. I LOVE going to the pool, and I intend on spending the majority of my summer at the pool.
  2. Being tan. It may be superficial, but tan fat looks better than white fat. I look better tan. Magrelo looks better tan. And after all my pool time, I will be TAN!
  3. A cleaner house. We are never home to mess anything up, we're always at the pool or in the backyard playing in the water.
  4. The lake trip. I love going to the lake with our sunday school class.
  5. Vacation- we're going to South Dakota this year. My kids are old enough to enjoy all of the tourist attractions that my hometown has to offer. It will be fun to show them around my home and see their reactions to places like Bear Country, Storybook Island and Reptile Gardens.
  6. No more socks. I hate folding socks. I cannot find the right matches. I bleach one with the blue old navy top, but not the match for it, so they look weird. Socks disappear in my house. In the summer, only Magrelo wears socks. Flip flops for the rest of us.
  7. Less laundry. We live in swimming suits, shorts and tank tops. Laundry gets much easier in the summer.
  8. Sleeping in! No kids needing to be at school at 8:15. Fewer activities. Life simply calms down and we can just hang out and enjoy one another.
  9. No homework! I am not taking summer school. I don't have to stress about school.
  10. The drive in is open. Summer movies are much more fun, and cheaper, to watch at the drive in.
  11. World's of Fun. I haven't been there in 5 years, but I'm going this year.
  12. Chia's off work! My sister cousin becomes a regular fixture around my house in the summer. It's fun to have her around.
  13. Barbeque.
  14. Popsicles
  15. Ice Cream Man

And those are just a few...

So bring on summer! I'm ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger shakedust said...

I love summer. I used to love it more when I didn't work, but there are few things that make me happier than a warm, sunny Saturday in June or July.

4:28 PM  
Blogger f o r r e s t said...

is winter over yet??? I heard they cancelled summer this year.

Oh the joys of being a stay at home mom. I am jealous of you guys.

I'm looking forward to the Drive-in this summer. That is always a fun time.

I thought tanning was out of style.

I am ready for some warm weather.

7:20 AM  
Blogger GoldenSunrise said...

I am looking forward to my summer maternity leave! (yay! 3 months off work) Unfortunately, I will be dealing with diapers, crying, and no sleep.

1:54 PM  
Blogger MsMayhem said...

Ughhh!!! I want a drive in!!! I love summer!!!! Open toed sadals and painted toenails, camping and lounging in the sun!! I went hiking the other night, wandered around till it got dark-blissful:)
See ya soon:) Storeybook Island, here we come!!!! Will you go down the slide with me??

6:23 AM  

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