Tuesday, May 09, 2006

what eludes me

I want to be organized. I want everything in its place and for my house to be super clean. I mean, no dust on the washing machine, tv screen without crap on it, under the sinks tidy, closets organized, shiny sink and tub clean. Any of you who know me know that my house is the exact opposite of that dream. It is a cluttered crazy mess with random things in random places being used for random weapons or art supplies by my children. I cleaned out the boys' dresser today. All the too small clothes are ready to go. Then I moved on to the subbasement and the toys. I have dreams for my subbasement, I can see what an awesome playroom it could be. If only I had more time. Forrest just blogged about being busy and if we really are or aren't busy. I don't feel like I get much acomplished in a day, but I never stop. I think it's bad time management. Maybe I have ADD. I don't know what my problem is. Somedays I smile and embrace the chaos of my life, other days I wish that I was Samantha on Bewitched (old series, haven't seen the new movie) and that I could twinkle my nose and my home would be perfect, and the kids could trash it again and I wouldn't even have to care. I tried the nose twinkle again today, didn't work. So I guess I better go fold some laundry!


Blogger shakedust said...

I've found that I can be real good about stringing out a task throughout an entire day so that by the end of the day I wonder what I actually accomplished. That aids to a feeling of chaos.

12:24 PM  
Blogger f o r r e s t said...

Cleaning is over-rated, because things will get messy again.

...if only you had some rich parents or money in the family, you could hire a maid to come out and clean.

10:16 AM  
Blogger GoldenSunrise said...

I always thought that I was good at organizing, but it seems like I am always organizing, so that means I must not be good at it.

Our house looks really cluttered and dirty right now because I have had no energy to clean it.

4:44 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

I don't think I could have a maid even if we had the money. Things have to all be picked up and put away to have a maid. Maybe that would motivate us, but I just don't see my house ever being clean enough to have someone come clean it!

Golden- just wait- it only gets better! ;)

6:22 PM  

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