Friday, October 14, 2005

Hmmm, should I be worried?

We are thinking about having our cat put to sleep. He has tumors on his stomach, and is having other issues as well. Baylee used to be my baby. Then I had a baby. And then another. And then another. Baylee is no longer my baby. Just my cat that poops in the litter box that I have to clean. So Magrelo and I were talking about who would have to take Baylee for his final vet visit. At first I said he'd have to do it. But now I feel like it would be mean to have him die being next to someone he hates. So as we're dicussing this, Baylee meow's at me, and goes outside. The next day I have 3 dead mice and one dead bird on my deck. Baylee has killed mice before. He likes to leave them on the deck or front porch as a way of bragging. Usually he kills one every couple of months. Never 2 in a week- let alone four animals in one day. I've decided Baylee is doing one of two things. #1: Trying to show us that he's still worth keeping around. #2 Threatening me for talking about having him knocked off. (Kind of like the dead fish thing in Godfather.) Anyway, he did prove his worth, and now I'm going to have the tumors looked at. I've decided litter boxes are better than mice...

Oh, by the way. Chia is Queen detective and I now know what mystery Todd does for a living.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well honey ! Ole Doc. Griz here, your dad !

Sounds like Bailey has a few problems ahe but unless he is hurting and in pain, don't put him down! Ya remeber our friend Boss! That is one of the hardest things I had to do, not only talk to you about it but do it! He was a good friend and we had spent alot of money on him, but I would have spent more! But he was in pain and when I looked into his big brown eyes and we said good bye! That you know hurt me really bad ! But he was in pain ! We as so call humans have the right to put a so called animal down, but I only beleive in it! If they are in pain ! As a Nurse, yes I put people down, I give them Morphine and etc.. I do not kill them but I let them go out with dignity! And my main purpose is to make sure that they do not hurt!

So , honey if Bailey is in pain and having some real problems that is causing him to be sick then put him down if not then, love him and keep him comfortable and even with your family, he also is part of your family ! How many times has he given you peace and love when you needed it!

Sorry but that is the way Ole Doc. Griz is and always has been , sometimes animals as I have told you since a child , aren't the dumb ones they have more knowledge and caring than most so call human being's on this earth!

It is a tough call darlin, and I am sorry that with all the other things in your life , ya have to make it!

I am doing the same with Shaedow! But after $100.00 she is doing fairly well ! Dreading that day, I hope that we would go down togethere but , don't think that is gonna happen! LOL Unless I strap her to my Harley and we get hit by another stupid idiot! By the way going to court on the 18th finally well over a year ! Will let ya know what happens ! Love ya guys , keep your powder dry and watch the ridge!

Love , Dad

12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, that is wacked not Knocked off and swim with the fish's meaning enough by cement boots or chains to hold ya down ahe! So ya don't float to the top ahe LOL

Love ya Dad

2:21 AM  
Blogger GoldenSunrise said...

Is Baylee allowed one big surgery during her lifetime like Molly the beagle? I would definately check into the costs. She looks precious. I hope she's not in any pain.

7:42 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Heck no. Magrelo allows no surgery's! He thinks Baylee should jump in front of a truck. Sally might be allowed a surgery(our beagle), but that would be a big issue as well. Magrelo is not an animal lover. I tell him it's his major personality flaw. I used to think he was evil for it.

5:20 PM  
Blogger MsMayhem said...

You know how I am with my animals so I am a bad person to ask...Good luck and let me know how it turns out....

4:58 PM  
Blogger f o r r e s t said...

Your cat's name is Bailey! So much that I don't know!

10:54 AM  
Blogger gigi said...

you know i love you... but your cat stinks like pee and her yucky cat hair makes my eyes itch when i come over... Bailey needs to die...

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I BBQ Bailey if you put it to sleep? We can have a get together and eat Bailey up with some tots, jarritos, e corn bread. I am getting hungry.....

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bailey's the devil.

6:28 PM  
Blogger gigi said...

so... what's "mystery todd's" deal?

6:30 PM  

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