Another year in review...2008
Another year has passed and there is so much to be thankful for. We have had a blessed year, and I will remember 2008 for many things...
in 2008...
- I became a Registered Nurse. I worked as a CNA, Mom/BabyRN and was hired into the goal accomplished!
- Alaina was a tap dancing spoon and a tornado/poppy/jitterbug and did great!
- We saw that time marches on, and have watched Grandpa Jay and Grandma Betty grow a little bit older.
- We said good-bye to Grandma Bernice.
- We said hello to Gia and Gabriel, and are anxiously awaiting the new baby Rader!
- We saw God work miracles by keeping Gia and Heather safe.
- God kept my family safe on Christmas Eve., and all through the year.
- We went to Texas for spring break, july 4th and new years!
- We went to Silver Dollar City, and probably won't go back.
- Nate played T-ball, and kicked some butt!
- Sam played Basketball, Soccer, and Machine Pitch Baseball. Basketball is still his love.
- Sam won the class spelling bee again this year, and made it 7 rounds in the school championship!
- Alaina, Sam and Nate had great year's at school!
- KU won the National Basketball Championship.
- Did I mention I graduated from college?
- Jeremy ran his own business for a full year.
- Pool time!
- One of my sister-in-laws became my sister this year.
- Texas actually came to us for Thanksgiving!
- I gained and lost and then gained lots of weight.
- My babies grew.
- Tia and Rick lived with us for a while...and then got a house with a POOL!
- I helped start the Monday Coffeshop at church.
- I began teaching the 2 year olds on Sunday mornings.
- Jeremy sang It is Well
- History was made and Obama was elected President
- My mom changed jobs, and is adjusting.
- I spent my Fridays with Vanessa!
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