Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Chump Change?

Tonight I made my sorry little attempt to catch up on the news in the world. I do this one, pathetic way. I read the four lead stories on my Yahoo home page. Sometimes, they are filled with important, relevant info. Most of the time they are not. I usually get one good news story, and a whole bunch of celebrity gossip. Tonight, the headlines were:
1. Death toll reaches 2000 in Iraq.
2. Howard Stern's replacement chosen
3. Best wireless headsets
4. Skywatchers ready for Mars

Well last week I was at the post office and saw someone with a wireless headset. It looked cool, and I wondered how it worked. (I don't work in and office setting, so I don't see a lot of cool techie toys that are out there.) So I clicked on the title and watched the video it launched. While I am now informed about blue tooth technology, I am also annoyed. The CNN reviewer went through the different models and discussed how inexpensive they were. The one that was just over $50 was described as "quite inexpensive, a stocking stuffer really". Really, stocking stuffers that are over 50 bucks. Santa obviously likes someone more than me. The one just under $50 was labeled as "chump change". Clearly, I'm not supposed to be watching this video. I am too cheap to pay the $50 insurance deductible to get a replacement phone for the one that I ruined when I jumped in the lake. $50 does not sound like chump change for a little headset. I guess for business people who use their cells all the time it is. It's just amazing to me how one person's expensive is another person's cheap. Like in the magazines when the have the "cheap buys". They show a dress that costs like $900, and then show you how you can buy it for only $285. Whatever, my cousin can find it for $13 if you give her enough time. Anyway, the video annoyed me....


Blogger f o r r e s t said...

I break down the cost of everything into how many cd's I could buy. For $50 I could get 4-5 cd's if I look for good deals and spend wisely.

Not chump change in my book.

7:05 AM  
Blogger MsMayhem said...

Would you realy use a head set??
I am a huge techie although I can know longer support the habbit- I am a big fan. Although things due keep getting more and more expensive...wait a little bit- everythin goes down sooner or later....
Happy halloween baby girl!!!

8:38 AM  
Blogger T said...

I'd LOVE to have a blue tooth wireless headset. HOWEVER, it would be more like the christmas gift dash got me, not a stuffer and since he wants one too...unless they come down in price I don't think we'll get matching headset for christmas! Especially since that would mean a new phone that was blue tooth capable for him!

9:34 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Yes, I use a head set now. It just has a cord attached to it. I don't know if my phone is blue tooth compatitble. I should ask when I suck it up and finally pay the $50 for another one.

10:00 AM  
Blogger f o r r e s t said...

What is a headset and bluetooth?
Is it that little thing that sticks out of your ear?

I think people look stupid when they leave them in their ear when they are not talking. Put it in you pocket so you don't look like a freakin' stupid star trek idiot. :)

2:11 PM  
Blogger meredithia said...

I used to want one of those bluetooth things sooo bad! my phone is all ready to get one too... I also want the little adapter for my laptop, so I can get all of my pictures that I take, off of my stinkin' phone and onto my computer. Then I can print them out, or actually get a good look at them.... phone screens are too itty bitty.

ooohhh and forrest, I break things down by how many itunes songs I could get. 50 songs!! wow.

4:17 PM  
Blogger meredithia said...

oohhh disclaimer: I was only going to use the bluetooth in the car, so I'm not quite as big of a hazzard, since I have a stick shift....

4:17 PM  
Blogger shakedust said...

Seminole, I am completely with you on the definition of "cheap buys." Where do these people get so much discretionary money that $50 for a headset is a cheap buy?

9:36 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

A good friend of mine lives in Washington DC. Headsets are the law there. I'm guessing it will hit here eventually, so I'm trying to be safe by using mine ahead of time. They still cause those situations where you feel silly though. I'll see a random person looking my direction (no one else around) in the store or someplace and think they are saying something to me. Then I respond and realize they are on the phone (headset). Then I feel dumb.

10:56 PM  
Blogger GoldenSunrise said...

Seminole, I have also thought someone was talking to me when they were actually talking on their headset.

You will hardly ever find me talking on my cell phone in a store. I am not a multi-tasker. Any call I may get would probably be a short one.

3:19 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Golden, shopping is the time when I catch up on calls. I make all of my long distance calls on the way to work or the store (IF there are no kids with me.) It's the only time I escape long enough. Otherwise it's an hour long phone call, but we still haven't finished the first sentence.

9:02 PM  

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