Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Let's Skip School

Today it is gorgeous outside. They are predicting that it may hit 80 degrees~!

I remember days like this when I was growing up, especially when I was in Jr High and High School. In South Dakota, a day like today meant slush- and TONS of it. The mountains of snow that had accumulated throughout the winter finally began to melt and everything was slushy.

I've always loved the feeling of Spring. I can almost feel the leaves starting to bud on the trees and the flowers peaking out of the ground. I'm ready to grab my capri's and sit on the grass in the park. The air even smells different- fresh and clean. Days like this are NOT meant to be spent inside. So, most of the time I would chose to skip school on days like today. I would mean well, and start walking to school, but usually I'd just keep on walking. Sometimes I'd actually make it to class. But then I'd look out the window and hear the great outdoors calling my name. I never made it past 3rd hour. This morning the girls were outside playing before we left for school, and I wanted to say, "let's skip and go to the park". But instead I pointed out what an awesome day God has given us. And tonight I'll go to school.

Days like today make me love all of the seasons. If there was no cold winter, I wouldn't love surprisingly warm days in February so much.

Enjoy the day everyone, I'm going outside!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Jaded or Realistic?

I have lots of friends who complain about Valentine's Day. They say that it's a Hallmark holiday and just a sham. I've never bought into that. I kind of liked Valentine's Day. I like buying gifts and doing stuff. I just like holidays in general. So, one that encourages us to remind the special people in our life that we love them seemed like a good idea.

But now I'm busy. I know my hubby loves me, he knows I love him. Enough said. I have a test tomorrow and I don't want to even think about V-day. I also don't like the pressure of the questions after Vday. "Did you get anything good", "What did you get him". I'm considering giving very racy and inappropriate answers so that no one will ask me again.

My daughter is excited about Vday. I think we should get the kids a little something, but what? I tend to go overboard- and I really don't want to do that. I'd love to get my daughter flowers from her daddy, but then what for the boys? She got a Valentine from someone special already, so I'm not sure what to do.

Also, what about teachers? I always just gave my teacher the "teacher card" that came in the cheesy box of Valentines. That does not seem to be the standard anymore. Bob is baking brownies for her little guys teacher. I'm out of oil, I can't make brownies.

I'm thinking my friends were right. I'm ready to get rid of Vday.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Toothless at Last!

Monday was a BIG day in our home. Princess Pixie (formerly known as Squirrel) lost her first tooth. She did not get her first tooth in until the day of her 1st birthday, so the doctor told us she would lose them late as well. She was the only student left in 1st grade who hadn't lost one tooth. She was obsessed with it! A few weeks ago we noticed that one tooth was a bit loose. (A TINY bit.) Monday night she bit into an apple and POW- super loose tooth.) Now her bottom tooth is gone and she is thrilled! She wanted to wait until the next day to lose it so she could get a tooth necklace from the nurse, but she was worried she would swallow it. So- I got to pull it out. The tooth fairy left her $2 with a note telling her that she was proud of her for being so patient. There was a moment that night that deflated her spirit a bit. I was explaining to her little brother, Monkey, what happed with her tooth. I tried to show him how his teeth didn't move, but some day they will. Instead, I discovered that he has 2 loose teeth! Princess was not Pleased!

Today Princess and the little Foxes are out of school, so my morning has been great! I love days that we can sleep late and eat breakfast whenever we want to. Now we're going to go to Target and get stuff to make Valentines for their classmates. It's Friday and I don't work tonight. I get to go to Fondue for Two at our chuch. It's basically just an all around great day! I hope you all have a great one too!!!!!!