Friday, May 19, 2006

School's out for summer...

Today was Sam's last day of preschool. He is now a kindergartener. One of the other mother's at school today told me that she didn't know what the saying "time flys" meant until she had kids. I agree with her. It feels like it was just a few months ago that I was stressing about sending Alaina to school. Poof- now she's a second grader. We celebrated the end of school by playing in the sprinkler on the trampoline! Let the fun begin!

School's also out for Jerm's and me too! Last night I sat and watched the season finale of ER and went to bed before 11! I might even be able to stay awake at work tonight! One more season finale, and I'm free from television as well! Maybe then I can clean my house! ;)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Summer Fun

It's almost summer. I cannot even begin to explain how happy I am that summer is right around the corner. The best comparison I can think of is that I am as excited about the beginning of summer as a child is the night before Christmas. I keep thinking about all of the joys that summer brings, and I just get giddy! Here are some things I LOVE about summer...

  1. The swimming pool. I love to swim, I love the water, I love to have the days fly by with no children watching tv. I LOVE going to the pool, and I intend on spending the majority of my summer at the pool.
  2. Being tan. It may be superficial, but tan fat looks better than white fat. I look better tan. Magrelo looks better tan. And after all my pool time, I will be TAN!
  3. A cleaner house. We are never home to mess anything up, we're always at the pool or in the backyard playing in the water.
  4. The lake trip. I love going to the lake with our sunday school class.
  5. Vacation- we're going to South Dakota this year. My kids are old enough to enjoy all of the tourist attractions that my hometown has to offer. It will be fun to show them around my home and see their reactions to places like Bear Country, Storybook Island and Reptile Gardens.
  6. No more socks. I hate folding socks. I cannot find the right matches. I bleach one with the blue old navy top, but not the match for it, so they look weird. Socks disappear in my house. In the summer, only Magrelo wears socks. Flip flops for the rest of us.
  7. Less laundry. We live in swimming suits, shorts and tank tops. Laundry gets much easier in the summer.
  8. Sleeping in! No kids needing to be at school at 8:15. Fewer activities. Life simply calms down and we can just hang out and enjoy one another.
  9. No homework! I am not taking summer school. I don't have to stress about school.
  10. The drive in is open. Summer movies are much more fun, and cheaper, to watch at the drive in.
  11. World's of Fun. I haven't been there in 5 years, but I'm going this year.
  12. Chia's off work! My sister cousin becomes a regular fixture around my house in the summer. It's fun to have her around.
  13. Barbeque.
  14. Popsicles
  15. Ice Cream Man

And those are just a few...

So bring on summer! I'm ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

what eludes me

I want to be organized. I want everything in its place and for my house to be super clean. I mean, no dust on the washing machine, tv screen without crap on it, under the sinks tidy, closets organized, shiny sink and tub clean. Any of you who know me know that my house is the exact opposite of that dream. It is a cluttered crazy mess with random things in random places being used for random weapons or art supplies by my children. I cleaned out the boys' dresser today. All the too small clothes are ready to go. Then I moved on to the subbasement and the toys. I have dreams for my subbasement, I can see what an awesome playroom it could be. If only I had more time. Forrest just blogged about being busy and if we really are or aren't busy. I don't feel like I get much acomplished in a day, but I never stop. I think it's bad time management. Maybe I have ADD. I don't know what my problem is. Somedays I smile and embrace the chaos of my life, other days I wish that I was Samantha on Bewitched (old series, haven't seen the new movie) and that I could twinkle my nose and my home would be perfect, and the kids could trash it again and I wouldn't even have to care. I tried the nose twinkle again today, didn't work. So I guess I better go fold some laundry!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Cinco de McDonalds?

I had a weird dream last night. At the end of it I was walking through this huge Applebees that looked like the Cheesecake Factory (many levels, very fancy...) and I walked up to all of my family talking outside. Forrest was discussing how even though we were so far away from home, this Applebees still looked like all the others and how annoying it was that all these big businesses are pushing out the little guys with personality. Anyway, when I was thinking about my dream this morning I tried to think of restaurants that I go to regularly that aren't big business. The only one's I could think of all serve Mexican food. Then, as I was typing this, I realized that Chinese would also appy. Although PF Changs has done a good job with Chinese, in general it seems that you cannot capialize on good ethnic food. Is "ethnic food" PC ? If not, sorry. Anyway, On the Border isn't very good, Chipotle is, but that's not where I go for Mexican. That's where I go for- well- Chipotle. Anyway, that's my dreamy observation for the day.

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Truth about Jacky

For Sam's birthday, his best friend B gave him a Betta fish. He's been wanting a fish for quite a while and was very excited about it. Jacky refused to eat and just acted weird. Saturday, 6 days after the b-day party, Jacky's time with us was over. We knew Sam would be devasted, so I ran out and bought a new "look alike" Jacky. I cleaned the tank and made the switch. Sam was so excited to see Jacky finally eat! 24 hours later the new Jacky decided to "take a nap". Sam told his teacher today that Jacky was finally sleeping and that he must have been very tired. So, I am now off to PetSmart to buy Jacky number 3. Deceitfulness is going to get expensive.